Informal Virtual 5 k 5/30/20

Event entries are open until June 7 noon. Please send your 5 k times to

Our virtual racewalk organizer, Rogo,  provides these guidelines…

“Pick a track or course near you.  You have a week to record your best time on a 5 k racewalk.

If possible please include a link to your GPS sports watch or smartPhone sports app results  (if you have one).
If a friend can record some start or finish video we’ll post that too for informal judging comments.

Please try to set your course distance as accurately as possible. A track is best, but most are now locked. A GPS watch/phone app will be close for distance but there is some error – typical over 5 k is up to +/- 50m. A few walking trails have distance markers. Highway mileposts can be another check on your distance if you have a low traffic, safe, level &  measured highway in your area with wide shoulders.

We will be on the honor system as a few of us do not have the high tech recording devices.  The mininium is your finish time and mile or kilometer splits

DateNameAgeGenderTimeLocationResult Link
5/30/20Annie Hegstrom64F0:33:46Dawson, MNSee below
6/3/20Jenny Williams49F0:38:13Silverwood Park
6/3/20Jeff Holmbeck64M0:31:23Como LakeSee below
6/1/20Bob Evans II69M0:34:23Grand Marais
6/1/20Will Loew-Blosser68M0:34:44Grand Marais
6/3/20Phil Rogosheske75M0:36:44Moose LakeSplits below
6/1/20Bernie Finch80M0:51:18Pepin, WISplits below

Annie Hegstrom

Annie Hegstrom Detail

Jeff Holmbeck

Jeff Holmbeck

Bernie Finch

Bernie Finch – “This is an age group personal PR. I  have not broken an hour yet this year. Being 80 ain’t for sissys. Lets do another one.  Even a ten k? I think I missed the split spot on the course for 4k!”

1k 10:27.0123
2k  10:35.021:02.0127
3k   09:58.031:00.0128
4k   10:40.041:41.0134
5k    09:37.051:18.0137

Phil Rogosheske

Phil SplitFinal
1 mile0:11:48
2 mile0:11:50
3 mile0:11:45
3.1 mile0:36:44